Dhananjay Bakore
I created this blog as a means to capture all useful snippets of code that solve a specific problem or in other words recipes. The intent initially was to keep handy quick recipes/techniques that I may need to refer in the future, However as I continued to add more stuff here I realized it might benefit the overall community.
The topics within this blog broadly cover using Java and GO programming languages, SpringBoot , GinGonic frameworks and Kubernetes as the runtime platform. In future I might try to add more content from other areas in programming.
Here is a list of some popular tags:
All source code and recipes listed in the site are under Apache 2.0 License and comes without any warranties. Please don’t blindly copy paste anything from here, try to understand the problem its trying to solve and the approach we took.
I Hope you find this blog as useful as I do while you program. More about what I have done professionally is listed on LinkedIn. All my public projects/source code is available on Github.